Oxistar- HC


  • “OXISTAR-HC” is a Chemically Modified Starch, developed for use on the size press.

  • “OXISTAR-HC” has greater degree of fluidity and film produced from it is continuous
    and strongly adherent.


    OXISTAR-HC provides the paper maker:

    • Improved printability and better print ink holding
    • Better surface strength& smoothness
    • Improves BF & other internal Strengths
    • More consistent results due to control on viscosity
    • Higher pick-up at the size press
    • No phase separation


    • Good paste stability, clarity and reduced tendency to retrograde.
    • Lower pasting temperature.
    • Pastes are more stable to salts and hard water
    • Tough, clear and flexible films


    Appearance Fine, dry, odourless, white powder
    Moisture Not more than 12%
    Ash (Dry solid basis) Not more than 1.5 %
    Brightness (Laserphot) Not less than87%
    pH of 10 % aqueous solution 5.0 – 7.5
    Particle Size (% passing through 85#) Not less than 98%
    Brookfield Viscosity
    (10%W/W; Temp 60°C, 60 RPM, DVE
    model, cps)
    Not more than 50


    1. Prepare a suspension in fresh water by continuous stirring.
    2. The suspension should be free of lumps.
    3. Gradually heat (direct steaming is o.k.) to 95 °C.
    4. Keep under mild stirring for 30 minutes.
    5. Continuous cooking by jet cooker can also be done


    1. Do not use hook, drag the bags on truck or any other platform.
    2. Bags should be stored on clean platform, kept covered with clean piece of
      tarpaulin.Also ensure that the storage area is dry, covered, away from humid
      conditions,hazardous, explosive and aromatic chemicals.
    3. Ensure unloading staff have clean hands and head covered with clean Cloth/Cap.


    1. Do not use hook, drag the bags on truck or any other platform.
    2. Bags should be stored on clean platform, kept covered with clean piece of
      tarpaulin.Also ensure that the storage area is dry, covered, away from humid
      conditions,hazardous, explosive and aromatic chemicals.
    3. Ensure unloading staff have clean hands and head covered with clean Cloth/Cap.


    1. 1 Year, if stored under recommended conditions


    1. OXISTAR- HC is available in 50 Kg with moisture proof lined bags.
    2. Special packing can be arranged on request.


    1. Size press: OXISTAR – HC 100, OXISTAR –HC 200
    2. Spray starch: DS- HIBUST, DS- HIPLY
    3. Wet end: CATSTAR 200, CATSTAR 300
    4. Spray system Complete spray system