Ds-Hiply (Premium)

DS-HIPLY (PREMIUM) is a modified Starch formulation specially developed for spraying on Multilayer board applications. It is from the house of people having the unrivaled experience in the field of manufacture and supply of Starch Spray Systems and supply of Spray Starch viz. “DS-HIBURST” as well as Oxidized starch “OXISTAR-HC”. There are some special functional groups present to enhance the desired properties. Its application on former / mould areas intensifies:

  • Internal dry strength of plies
  • Ply-bond adhesion in boards
  • Stiffness and Glossness in boards

Application :

    Its slurry is sprayed at the interface between two plies at dose of 1 – 2%.

Broad Technical Specification
Basic Source Maize Starch
Appearance Fine, white, odourless, dry powder
Moisture Max.12 %
Size of granules Passes 100 mesh
Ionic nature Mild cationic
pH of 10 % aqueous solution 5 -7
Brookfield Viscosity of 5 % paste 200 CPS + 5%
Solubility in cold water Almost insoluble (max. 0.8%)
Gel Temperature 62 + 2 °C

Preparation for desired results :

Slurry of 20 – 30 gpl is recommended. No cooking is required. Complete cook out is accomplished in the drying section of the paper m/c.

Available Packing :

It is available in 50 Kg. (or as per request) bags with inner liner.

Handling Storage and Sampling :

1. Do not use hooks, drag the bags on truck or any other platform.

2. Bags should be stored on platforms, cleaned with hot air blower and kept covered with clean piece of tarpaulin. Also ensure that storage area is dry, covered, away from humid and hazardous conditions.